Beautiful Mermaid

Friday, October 20, 2006


ONE. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.

TWO. Marry a man/woman you love to talk to. As you get older, their conversational skills will be as important as any other.

THREE. Don't believe all you hear, spend all you have or sleep all you want.

FOUR. When you say, "I love you," mean it.

FIVE. When you say, "I'm sorry," look the person in the eye.

SIX. Be engaged at least six months before you get married.

SEVEN. Believe in love at first sight.

EIGHT. Never laugh at anyone's dream. People who don't have dreams don't have much.

NINE. Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt but it's the only way to live life completely.

TEN. In disagreements, fight fairly. No name calling.

ELEVEN. Don't judge people by their relatives.

TWELVE. Talk slowly but think quickly.

THIRTEEN. When someone asks you a question you don't want to answer, smile and ask, "Why do you want to know?"

FOURTEEN. Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk.

FIFTEEN. Say "bless you" when you hear someone sneeze.

SIXTEEN. When you lose, don't lose the lesson.

SEVENTEEN. Remember the three R's: Respect for self; Respect for others; and responsibility for all your actions.

EIGHTEEN. Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship.

NINETEEN. When you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.

TWENTY. Smile when picking up the phone. The caller will hear it in your voice.

TWENTY-ONE. Spend some time alone.

Monday, October 16, 2006

ALMA 32章

今天讀了ALMA 32章. 這是我非常喜歡的一段經文. 記得有一次去我男朋友家的時候, he told me to read this as my homework. He wrote "阿爾瑪書 32章" for me on a small green paper. I put it in my wallet and it stays there since. I can't remember when my boyfriend wrote this for me. But I think it's when the missionaries were coming to my place. Therefore, he probably told me to read this sometime in June. I really like this scripture. When my boyfriend told me to read it last time, I read the Chinese version of the scripture. 當昨天我男朋友告訴我要多讀經文時, 我馬上想到要讀他上次寫下來要我讀的這段, 不過我倒是忘了這段經文是關於什麼. 今天早上, I decided to read the English version. The scripture is about faith, Alma 把它比喻成心中的種子. 只要有用心灌溉, 這顆好的種子就會在心中長大, 成為一棵茁壯的大樹. 我非常喜歡這個比喻, 也非常喜歡這段經文. 當我打開摩門經, 發現是這段經文時, 真的是非常高興. 讀這篇經文時, 內心十分的平靜與舒服. In the evening, I told my boyfriend this is the scripture I read today. And we talked a little bit about it. 真的很高興今天讀了這段經文 and talked to my boyfriend about it.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

A New Day in Old Sana'a VS Water

今年看的VIFF電影"A New Day in Old Sana'a" 讓我想到去年的一部VIFF電影"Water" "A New Day in Old Sana'a"是UK以及Yemen的電影 "Water"是Canada以及India的電影 兩部電影有不少相似之處 所以我想把它們好好比較一下 第一 它們都是借由愛情來表現文化習俗的電影 第二 它們都是有關婚禮的 "A New Day in Old Sana'a"比"Water"更focus在婚禮上 但不可否認的 婚禮在兩部電影中都有重要的地位 兩部電影也描述了些許當地婚禮的習俗 第三 兩部電影都描述了當地階級的分別 在"A New Day in Old Sana'a" 富貴家庭的子女只和富貴家庭的子女結婚 出身階級低的孤女是不可能和富貴人家的兒子在一起的 在"Water" 年輕的寡婦依習俗是永遠不能再婚的 也沒有人願意和寡婦結婚的 第四 同樣的在兩部電影裡 新郎以及新娘都是由家人安排的 而且在婚禮前不可以見面的 第五 如同之前說過的 兩部電影都充分的表現風俗文化 衣著就是很重要的一點 在Yemen 女人一定要全身遮蓋 在India傳統 寡婦只能穿白色長袍 在Yemen 女人不能獨自隨便外出 在India傳統 寡婦走在路上只會被人看不起 第六 兩部電影都充分的表現出當地美麗的風景 看這兩部電影 彷彿至身當地 享受當地美景 第七 兩部電影都有附有國家特色的民俗音樂 我本身尤其喜愛"A New Day in Old Sana'a"的音樂 第八 兩部電影都表現純真的愛情 但兩部電影的愛情都以悲劇收場 在"A New Day in Old Sana'a" 男主角選擇了duty instead of love 在"Water" 女主角投水自殺 第九 兩部電影都談到當地女人的無奈 兩部電影裡的女人都沒有掌握自己人生的權力 第十 兩部電影都以希望作為結束 讓觀眾在愁悵之餘 心中有一盞希望的燈 "A New Day in Old Sana'a"以及"Water"雖然是不同國家的片子 說的是不同的故事 卻有不少相似之處 至少對我而言是有的 "A New Day in Old Sana'a"描述的是Yemen現在的日常生活方式 "Water"說的雖然是India早前的生活方式 但片子裡頭有提到 現在很多人還是過著傳統的生活習俗 這兩部電影都是好片 雖然有很多相似的地方 最大的差別就是 "Water"比"A New Day in Old Sana'a"serious很多 我很高興有機會看到這兩部片 讓我更了解Yemen以及India的傳統文化和民族風俗 希望以後有機會看更多像這兩部電影一樣的好片!!

VIFF Film: A New Day in Old Sana'a

今年的VIFF只看了兩部電影 其中一部"A New Day in Old Sana'a"我非常的喜歡 這部電影是UK and Yemen的 2005年 90分鐘 Canadian Premiere Directed by Bader Ben Hirsi  這是Yemen的第一部大電影 是一部美麗的愛情片 片子把Yemen的日常生活 民俗風情 衣著 風景 階級 當然還有愛情以及婚禮習俗 借用這bittersweet romance描述的栩栩如生 看了這部電影之後 不但內心很有感覺 也對Yemen的文化了解不少 女人們的穿著打扮 對於愛以及婚姻的期待和害怕 傳統的風俗 結婚的步驟 等等 都由電影呈現在觀眾眼前 除了故事本身外 對我震撼最大的不外乎是女人的穿著以及美麗的風景 電影裡的女人 無論是日常生活的穿著 還是及將要結婚的女孩在她婚禮前parties裡精緻的穿著 總是給我很大的震撼 我覺得她們的衣著是美麗的 年輕人不能選擇自己人生的另一半以及在婚前不能看到自己要結婚的對象是無奈的 階級不同的人不可以結婚是悲傷的 看完這部電影讓我想了很多 不知道故事裡三位主要人物後來有沒有得到他們想要的幸福 我想 可能只有他們自己知道吧 我真的很高興有這個機會去看這部電影 要有機會看到Yemen的電影真是少之又少 這部電影又是Yemen的首部大片 要不是VIFF 應該看不到吧 真的很開心今年選了這部電影看 明年也會再次留意Yemen的電影 "A New Day in Old Sana'a"真是一部好電影!!

VIFF site info:
A New Day in Old Sana'a
UK, Yemen, 2005, 90 min, Color, 35mm
Canadian Premiere

Directed By: Bader Ben Hirsi
PROD: Ahmed Abdali
SCR: Bader Ben Hirsi
CAM: Muriel Aboulrouss
MUS: Ahmed Abdali
Cast: Dania Hammoud, Redha Khoder, Paolo Romano, Nabil Saber, Sahar Alasbahi

The first Yemeni fiction feature is a bittersweet romantic comedy boasting a keen wit and a charming lightness of touch. Unfolding against the amazing architectural backdrop of the ancient capital city, it tells a story of love, class and mistaken identity in a traditional society slowly undergoing modernization.

Tariq, the handsome son of an aristocrat, is about to enter an arranged marriage with Bilquis, the daughter of a judge. Although the two have never met, Tariq's sister assures him of his fiancée's great beauty and other fine qualities. As is customary, the groom sends the bride-to-be many gifts, including a splendid white dress. When Tariq wanders the streets late one night, he spots a beautiful girl wearing the billowy gown that he sent to his betrothed. Assuming her to be Bilquis, he falls madly in love. But things are not quite what they seem and soon Tariq must make a devastating choice between following his heart and protecting his family's honor.

Writer-director Bader Ben Hirsi (The English Sheikh and The Yemeni Gentleman) had to overcome many hurdles to shoot in Yemen. Groups seeking to stop the production fabricated rumors that the storyline was salacious and that the crew had shot a sex scene outside a mosque during prayer. An actor was even stabbed. Best Arabic Film, Cairo Film Festival.

From Wikinews, the free news source you can write!
Yemen's first-ever feature film to be screened at Cannes Festival
May 6, 2005

The first ever feature-length film to be shot in Yemen will be screened, but will not compete for prizes, at this year's international Cannes Film Festival. The 90-minute romantic drama by British-Yemeni film director, Bader Ben Hirsi, is titled A New Day in Old Sanaa'a.

"For the most people viewing this film, it will be the first time they ever see images of Yemen. The results will be a very positive message" which offers a "true and honest" portrait of life in Yemen, said a spokesman from the Yemeni Media Center in 2003, when the film was in the planning stage. The film will depict aspects that are "completely different from the negative image that most of the world has" of the Middle-Eastern Arab nation, said the spokesman.

Sana'a, where the capital of Yemen has been relocated since 1962, is known for its Muslim university and many mosques, as a center of Islamic culture. It was noted in medieval times as a beautiful and hospitable city, and was described by the 10th century Persian traveler Ahmad ibn Rustah as follows: "It is the city of Yemen — there not being found in the highland or the Tihama or the Hijaz a city greater, more populous or more prosperous, of more noble origin or more delicious food than it... with fine dwellings."

The leading actor is Nabil Saber of Old Sana'a, and his co-star is the actress and make-up artist Julia Towns of London. The pair found real-life romance and exchanged wedding vows last year in London, after bowing to tradition and obtaining agreement from both their families.

The film, co-produced by the Yemen Media Center and Felix Films of London, is not yet 100% complete due to funding shortfall. There is planned to be a low-key showing to introduce the film at the Marché du Film (Film Market) portion of the Cannes Festival, but it is not eligible to compete for the Palme d'Or (Golden Palm) due to its unfinished status. The official premiere is to be held this summer, with widespread promotion and showing in universities and art centers around the world.

Ben Hirsi commented on his film, "A New Day in Old Sana'a could be categorized as a romantic drama, showing a very real conflict between modern values and old, [but] is respectful of the strong morals of Yemen's Islamic society. It does not contain such cinematic norms as profanity, graphic violence or sexually explicit content... As is true in modern-day Sana'a, however, traditional practices and concepts are tackled and confronted — topics such as love, caste, Yemeni marriage customs and the wearing of the veil are addressed in detail, and the inner turmoil that results from changing social values in a modernizing society forms a central theme of the story."