Beautiful Mermaid

Monday, October 16, 2006

ALMA 32章

今天讀了ALMA 32章. 這是我非常喜歡的一段經文. 記得有一次去我男朋友家的時候, he told me to read this as my homework. He wrote "阿爾瑪書 32章" for me on a small green paper. I put it in my wallet and it stays there since. I can't remember when my boyfriend wrote this for me. But I think it's when the missionaries were coming to my place. Therefore, he probably told me to read this sometime in June. I really like this scripture. When my boyfriend told me to read it last time, I read the Chinese version of the scripture. 當昨天我男朋友告訴我要多讀經文時, 我馬上想到要讀他上次寫下來要我讀的這段, 不過我倒是忘了這段經文是關於什麼. 今天早上, I decided to read the English version. The scripture is about faith, Alma 把它比喻成心中的種子. 只要有用心灌溉, 這顆好的種子就會在心中長大, 成為一棵茁壯的大樹. 我非常喜歡這個比喻, 也非常喜歡這段經文. 當我打開摩門經, 發現是這段經文時, 真的是非常高興. 讀這篇經文時, 內心十分的平靜與舒服. In the evening, I told my boyfriend this is the scripture I read today. And we talked a little bit about it. 真的很高興今天讀了這段經文 and talked to my boyfriend about it.


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